Accounting, Tax and Payroll Outsourcing Services for your activity in Colombia

Why to do business with contacto?

When you decide to work with contacto you will have more opportunities to grow your business because you will be able to have everything under control: administrative and financial activities, accounting analysis, taxes and payroll. Learn about Andres’ history and his successful relationship with our company.

How to do business in Colombia?

Know the risks and challenges of your industry in Colombia, and discover how to define fundamental aspects from the corporate, exchange, state, labor, tax and environmental point of view.

Company Incorportation in Colombia

The Foreign Investment has grown significantly in Colombia during the last years. contacto  has rendered its services to European, North and Latin American companies who wanted to establish their activities in Colombia.

Our services

In addition to accounting and tax advice, we offer outsourcing services in payroll, payments, legal representation,, among others.

Accounting Outsourcing

We record transactions, accumulate operations for information maintenance and much more.

Tax Outsourcing

We identify tax opportunities taking into account the industry, the type of company, among others.

Legal Advice

We have excellent expert lawyers who have a total dedication of time for consultations.

Payroll Outsourcing

Payroll settlement incorporates multiple processes and therefore must be accurate and timely.

How to create partnerships in Colombia?

We have the capacity to handle accounting for overseas businesses.

Our team

Focused on the business development of Colombia, we aspire to be a strategic partner for foreign firms wishing to invest in our country and a key support for start-ups in their innovative projects. We offer value, criteria and formality in each of our services.

Meet the Blog of contacto

News and updates

Quality Policy

The quality of our services and its continues improvement is our top priority. Our maximum happiness is the satisfaction of our Clients. See our Quality Policy here.

Data Protection Policy

We are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of the information you share with us. Our greatest satisfaction is to give you the peace of mind of knowing that your data is protected.
